This week in St Leonard's Youth...

Coming up this week... 

Sorry for the lack of updates recently we have very busy in the office! Olly has now started his new job :( which means you will now have to cope with me (Beth) writing the blogs. They may not be as interesting but will hopefully have better spelling!

All groups are starting back this week after the Easter break...

Cell groups

There have been a few changes within the cell group leadership team and I am very happy to welcome Aidan and Ben as new young leaders. This term we will be looking at plans for the future and living as a Christian.

Friday Pathfinders

Pathfinders is back on this week at Younger Pathfinders we are going to be doing our very own Come Dine with Me. So come with empty stomachs and all of your cooking skills! 

At Older Pathfinders we are going to be playing some classic Pathfinders games.

Sunday Pathfinders

Sunday Pathfinders will be on this week led by Jennifer and myself.


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