This week in St. Leonard's Youth...

Coming up this week... 

You may have noticed that there weren't very many youth groups happening last week. That was because we were having a cell leaders training session with the lovely CYM so cell leaders had the week off. 
There was no Friday Pathfinders because we didn't quite have enough leaders to run. 

But this week we are back baby...

It is only 24 days till Christmas (your welcome)!! So this week at (most) cells we will be looking at the story of Christmas. Also this week invites for the 2014 Cell Christmas Social will be going out so keep your eyes peeled for those! :-)

Friday Pathfinders...
The Friday Pathfinders Christmas special is always full of Christmassy wonderfulness, but this time we are making it even more wonderfuler... we are adding a Christmas jumper dress code. 

This week is the Christmas special so make sure you come wearing a Christmas jumper! We will be making Christmas crafts and playing Christmas themed games and filling our selves full of Christmas cheer, so make sure you are there. 

Next week we will be going as a group to the Riding Lights Christmas play. If you want to look at the trailer you can check it out here...

CYFA is on this week so make sure you are at church for it! We will be carrying on with our normal programme, looking at what Jesus did and how we can be like Him.

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is also happening as normal with Jennifer and Olly leading.

We will be trying to use this blog more and more to keep you informed about what is going on week to week in the youth work, so if you want know what is happening and when, keep reading the blogs :-)


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