And we are back!!!!

Wow, what a summer!

Soul Survivor was, as it always is, amazing this year. If you were at St. Leonard's on the 7th September you will have heard all about it, but for those of you who weren't:

We took 30 young people and 4 leaders with us this year and were joined by a group from Leicester. So all told we had group of 45. Which looked pretty good when we were all in fancy dress.

But more than that, it was amazing to see how much God moved people along in their faith, simply because they set aside some time to focus on Him. What was also amazing was that a pretty incredible new brother of mine gave his life to God that week; it is has been brilliant to see what God has been doing in him since. Here is a little photo montage to give you a taste of what it was like: 

After that we were straight back into the normal running of things for September. Cell groups have been running the 'It's Time' materials suggested by Open Doors, CYFA are looking at what it means to be like Jesus, Sunday Pathfinders is back to full force and Friday Pathfinders is, well Friday Pathfinders! 

Another piece of good news is that Beth (our intern from last year) will be staying on with us for another year, working 20 hours a week and generally adding to the ministry. 

Things to pray for: 

  • Thank God for all He is doing in and through our young people.
  • Thank God for Beth staying on with us. 
  • Pray for all the cell groups this year; that they continue to grow in faith. 
  • Ask God to bless the vision and growth of our youth ministry and take it in the direction that He wants it to go. 


  1. Hadn't seen that video yet... So many good memories though :D x


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