
Hello again - I have just said to Olly it feels like only yesterday that I was writing the last blog, yet it was almost a month ago! 

June and July are very busy months for us, which is exciting/tiring/interesting, but ultimately should be a lot of fun and the best way to end (except for Soul Survivor of course) what has been an amazing year for St Leonards youth. I am going to bullet point now, as there is quite a lot to remember:

  • Friday Pathfinders is going to be epic this week! We've hired an inflatable bungee run and some sumo suits, and we're also very excited to be inviting the year sixes along too. Next week is also going to be interesting as we have a special guest coming to visit...
  • On Sunday, Olly jets off to sunny(?) Sweden (I literally have no idea what the weather is like there) to help out on a confirmation camp. It should be a great opportunity to do some youth work in a different culture and setting. Best of luck Sweden ;) never fear, he'll be back on Thursday - the minions will be holding down the fort while he is gone.
  • The next cell celebration evening service is fast approaching. Come and join us at St Leonards church on Sunday 22nd June at 6pm for an evening of worship and fun, all hosted by our lovely cell groups. 
  • We are continuing with our fundraising efforts for Soul Survivor. The next four Saturdays are taken up with different events, and we have one final swimming session booked in to try and reach our target. Any donations/sponsorship and also prayer that we will reach the goal would be most welcome. 
  • We're really excited to be taking a day trip to London on Sunday 13th July. We're going to take a group of young people made up of our Sunday Pathfinders and CYFA groups to Holy Trinity Brompton church, and then Beth has organised for us to play the Great Big Game of Monopoly (basically, where you run around London and try to take photos in all of the places on the Monopoly board)!! 
  • A likely possibility on the horizon is a mission trip to Moldova in October. Olly will be taking a group of young people to go and work out there for a week with a charity called Beginning of Life Moldova, who help girls caught up in trafficking. Although it seems a while away, preparations are already underway. It will be an amazing opportunity that will allow our youth to experience and help a very different part of the world. 
As always, but especially as we carry on with this busy term, we appreciate all of the support that we are given. God is doing some incredible work within the young people, and it would not be possible without the love, prayer, money and support of others. Some particular prayer requests would be:

  • Again, for the young people with their exams and tests, and generally finishing off school for the summer. Also, Beth and Sarah finishing off their college course. 
  • For Soul Survivor (standard prayer request!) - for the fundraising and also for all of the organisation which we have to do before it.
  • For the cell celebration on 22nd June.
  • For the mission trip to Moldova, and safe travels for Olly next week as he goes to Sweden.

If you would like information about any of the groups that we run here at St Leonards, visit our website stleonardsyouth.co.uk or contact us by emailing youth.stleonards@gmail.com or calling 07885914033.

Hope you enjoy the sunny weather :) here is a photo of the three of us beautifully modelling our Soul Survivor sunglasses to help you feel summery! Until next time...


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