
Hello, we hope this blog finds you well! We've had a great start to the term and lots more coming up...

We have been focussing on fundraising for Soul Survivor quite a bit. On Saturday we painted faces, washed cars, fixed computers and waited tables all in our effort to raise money! (It was the Community Day in Eynsham and some of our young people were hired out as waiters/waitresses at a party.) We have also been swimming as much as we can to try and make the distance from Eynsham to Soul Survivor (approximately 4184 lengths of a 25 metre pool) and been getting in as many sponsors as possible. 
If you would like to sponsor us, we would be really grateful! Please get in touch with one of us or add it to the sponsor form at the back of church. Also, if you bought one of the promises from the promise auction, do make sure you get in touch with the young person and claim your promise. 

A couple of weeks ago, we had Katie and Elise come and join us for a week of work experience. They were very helpful and willing to do everything we threw at them!

It was a lot of fun (particularly trying to squeeze 6 of us into an already crammed office) and we hope they enjoyed their time with us. 

This week CYFA (our Sunday morning group for year 10+) are doing the sermon at the 10.45am service. It's an exciting opportunity for them and will hopefully all go to plan! Please pray that they will all be confident to speak and share, and do come along to the service. 

I can hardly believe that half term is almost upon us. This term is going to be busy and some specific prayer requests would be:
  • For all of our young people who are doing tests and exams. This term can be extremely stressful and tiring so please pray for energy, wisdom and peace. Also, that all of the youth work we do over the next few weeks would be helpful and refreshing to all of them. 
  • For our fundraising efforts and the finances in general. 
  • For Beth and Sarah as they come to the end of their internship, especially the college work! 
If you are interested in finding out more about any of our groups or just want to know more about us, please visit the website or give us a call or an email.  

Finally, Olly is taking on a mega challenge this weekend as Paddy, Harry and himself take on the Monster Race, all to raise money for Yellow Submarine. To donate please visit their Virgin Money Giving page by clicking here and to find out more about Yellow Submarine, visit their website 

We hope you enjoy the sunshine (while it lasts!)


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