Introducing The Bud...

As you may or may not know, St. Leonard's Youth have our very own (extremely talented) youth band called The Vine (click on their name to go to their Facebook group). They have been very busy over the last 2 years and have recently been booked to play for a church in Bicester as well as being the band for the Diocesan youth camp called Yellow Braces.

What you might not know is that we are starting a new youth band (to go alongside The Vine) which is going to be called.... The Bud (get it ha, we're so funny!).

The first meeting will be this Monday 2nd December at St. Leonard's Church and it is for anyone who is interested in joining (who is under the age of 25).

If you would like to check it out, or you have a young person who might like to join then go here to download the forms and come along and join us at 7.00pm!


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