26th May - 2nd June

Coming up next week... Well, that was quick. Half term already. For those of you with exams I hope it will be a happy time of revising and relaxing. For the rest of you, just relaxing. Here are some other things you have to look forward to... Cell Groups There will be no cell groups meeting over half term. But to help you hold our to afterwards, Here are some photos of the excellent Cell Celebration: Thank you to everyone who came along and everyone who contributed. You were brilliant. Friday Pathfinders (younger) This week (26th May) its CafĂ© night, so make sure you remember to bring an extra £ or ££ to pay for the delicious food. Next week (2nd June), is half term! :) but that means no Friday Pathfinders :(. Friday Pathfinders (older) Tonight (26th May), its Old People night, so come dressed as maturely as you can and get ready for some chair based ...