First post of 2014! Happy New Year!
Guess who's back?! Happy new year to you all! Here at St Leonards Youth HQ (not actually called that, but sounds way cooler than “the office”) , we are very excited for what 2014 holds. There are a few dates which you can put in your new diaries: On the 26 th January we are holding a promise auction after the 10.45am church service at St Leonard's church. Just to sweeten the deal, we will also be having a cake sale! All proceeds will go towards our trip to Soul Survivor in the summer. We will also be having cake sales on the last Sunday of each month from February – April, with all the money going into the Soul Survivor pot. The next cell celebration service will be on the 9 th February. After the success of the previous one, we are looking forward to seeing what the cell groups can come up with this time and worshipping God all together again. The youth weekend away is the 28 th February (leaving after school) until 2 nd March. This i...